Children are welcome to enroll at anytime space permitting.
**Remember our classes meet once a week and are on-going. Or, you can use the old-fashioned method and call us at 747-7748.
We will verify your enrollment by return email. Be sure to include your credit card number and expiration date. We offer a free trial class so email us now with your name, your child’s name, your phone number, the day, type and time of class you want (for instance, Shooting Stars Beginning Girls, Monday, 4:00). Our classes meet once a week and are on-going. Our commitment is to provide children with the opportunity to develop and maintain high self-esteem and self-discipline while acquiring a love of learning and a mastery of skills. Our Mission Statement.High Sierra Gymnastics is dedicated to developing healthy, happy, responsible children through the sport of gymnastics. Water, Animal, Adventure Parks & Fun Centers.